God grant me tears
Written by Rick Elias

I'm holding out my hands
To catch you like the rain
Streaming down my face
Falling to the earth below
On the wicked and the just below
This is the world I know

God grant me tears
Enough to wash these sins away
Away from my heart today
And forever
Let the wild wind blow
Let it drive them to a barren place
Scatter them without a trace
God grant me tears I pray

Hold out your hands
And catch the earthbound
That's heaven sent
Save me from my descent
I'm falling so very fast
Trying to forget the past
Maybe that's too much to ask, still


Lord lead the way
From the lie victorious
To a life more glorious
Than I know
Grant me tears of a beggar
'Til the fighter begins to sway
Punch drunk knocked down by grace
God grant me tears I pray


(c)1999 Careers-BMG Music Publishing/BMI

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